November 13th Service and upcoming events

Brothers and sisters, Greetings in the name of Jesus. I’ll begin by reminding you of upcoming events. Please adjust your schedules.

Presentation of Medicare updates, Sunday afternoon November 13th from 1-3 pm, Pattison’s Baptist Church.

Thanksgiving Eve Service Wednesday evening November 23rd starting at 6:30 pm.

Advent Season begins Sunday November 27. Weekly Midweek Services will begin November 30 at 6:30.

Quarterly Voters scheduled for after service December 11.

We are approaching the end of another church year. And with it we are also closer to the end of the world as we know it. Many people follow set routines and it is tempting imagine that life is merely repeated cycles—same thing over and over. But Scripture describes life as linear—amidst the routine we are always moving forward, and the day of Jesus’ return draws nearer. The lessons for the next couple of weeks will remind us of that reality so that even in times of routine and sameness we not grow weary or numbed into apathy. Instead let us remain prepared, like anticipating an upcoming trip. This preparation doesn’t involve packing suitcases or reserving hotel rooms. Instead it involves studying God’s Word, repenting, being reminded of God’s promises, turning from sinful desires and apathy, constantly turning to Jesus for encouragement and motivation

Scripture readings for Sunday November 13 are Psalm 98, Malachi 4:1-6, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13, and Luke 21:5-28.

Hymns selected for the day are in the LSB hymnal: #663 Rise My Soul to Watch and Pray, #509 Christ is Surely Coming, #508 The Day is Surely Drawing Near; and for those present for communion, we will sing #636 Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness during the distribution.

Psalm 98 is a song of praise, encouraging all of creation to join in exalting God for His faithfulness and love. He overcomes our enemies. He is your salvation. He will rescue you from the coming judgment if you trust in His Son Jesus.

Malachi is the last prophet of God recorded before the end of the “Old Testament” period. God seems to go silent for 300-400 years until the coming of John the Baptizer. Like previous prophets, Malachi condemns sinful behavior such as unfaithful priests, divorce, and stingy, reluctant, or insincere offerings. In Chapter 4 Malachi warns of the coming day of the Lord when all the arrogant and evil doers will be consumed by His terrible fire of judgment. He mention that God in His love will send another prophet will come urging people to make preparation (a reference to John the Baptizer). The prophet will speak the message of God’s love that will gather fathers and children (and all believers) around the word of God.

St. Paul organized a congregation of Christians in Thessalonica (northern Greece, Macedonia) during his second missionary journey. We wrote 2 Thessalonians to answer some questions about the approaching end times and the day of Jesus return. Some people had concluded that if Jesus was coming there was no need to keep working. They wanted to relax and merely wait for Jesus to appear. In the portion of Paul’s letter we will read Sunday, he encourages the congregation (and all Christians) to avoid idleness and disobedience, and instead remain active doing good works, holding to the teachings of Scripture. (Be busy, not busybodies)


We are used to signs of nature that alert us to the changing seasons. The wise person recognizes those signs and makes appropriate preparation. In Luke 21, Jesus describes signs of approaching judgment. The signs He describes are general enough that they apply as a warning to every person of every generation. But one day will be the Last Day, so anticipate and be ready for Jesus’ arrival. What does such preparation involve? The list would include repentance, turning from self-service to serving Jesus, studying His words, trusting Him, telling others about Him. Keep your mind set on things above, not things of this world. The world will pass away but He is eternally faithful. Jesus will save you from the approaching judgment for He has already paid its penalties for you. Thank God for His patience and mercy!

Collect: O ever-living God, Your almighty power is made known chiefly in showing patience, mercy, and pity. Grant us the fullness of Your grace that we would lay hold of Your promises and live forever in Your presence; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

We intend to stream the service on Facebook Live beginning at 10:30. I encourage you to come early for Bible Study at 9. Let me know if you have any prayer requests or questions about the service.