Brothers and sisters, I will begin with some updates and some corrections.
We have some poinsettias in the chancel that are looking lonely. We were asking $9 for each, but we need to move them out. Contact Barbara Young if you would like to give them a home. Make her an offer she can’t refuse.
A congregational Voters’ meeting is scheduled for after the service next Sunday January 22. Year-end reports and other business will be discussed. Let Scott Hartman know if you have agenda items you want included. Sandwiches will be provided. You are invited to bring desserts or side dishes to add to the meal.
A shrimp boil fundraiser is being planned for Saturday January 28 from 11am to 2 pm. Cost has been set at $15 per plate (about ½ pound of shrimp, with boiled potatoes and corn). Let Lance Hartman or Tyler Hartman know if you would like to assist.
Now to worship information:
As we make our way through the season of Epiphany we will continue to use the liturgy of Divine Service Setting One beginning on page 151 in your hymnals.
Last week’s gospel reading was St. Matthew’s account of Jesus’ baptism. This Sunday we will read St. John’s account of Jesus’ baptism. But his account goes further, reporting that people were starting to gather to hear what Jesus had to say as He begins His public ministry. There is an epiphany revelation in this lesson—this Man is the Son of God, the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world! And in response to the good news they were hearing, these first listeners were inviting others to also come and hear. Disciples are moved by what Jesus says, so they invite future disciples. This process is the template by which the Spirit still grows the Church today. I have met the Messiah, and I want you to know Him too. Do you know someone who needs to hear what Jesus has done for all of us?
Hymns selected for January 15: #402 The Only Son From Heaven; #829 Christ the Eternal Lord; #830 Spread the Reign of God. Those present for the Lord’s Supper will also sing #616 Baptismal Waters Cover Me, and #824 May God Bestow on Us His Grace.
Scripture readings for January 15, the second Sunday after the Epiphany: Psalm 40:1-11; Isaiah 49:1-7; 1 Corinthians 1:1-9; and John 1:29-42.
Psalm 49 describes God as a fortress city who protects His people from disaster. He is a help in every time of need. Through Jesus and the Holy Spirit God remains close to us—in the midst of trouble you can be still, because He is caring for you.
In the Old Testament lesson Isaiah 49, through the prophet the Messiah speaks as a servant. Over 600 years Jesus’ birth He is telling how He is going to restore the faithful of Israel—but there’s more good news! His salvation goes beyond the one nation. He would be a light to all nations, and the way of salvation of the whole world.
The Epistle lesson 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 is the opening greeting and introduction from St. Paul’s first letter to the congregation in Greek Corinth. Paul will go on in the rest of the letter correcting the errors being taught and practiced there, and criticizing the divisions these errors have caused. But in these opening verses Paul emphasizes the faithfulness of God, the true source of wisdom and spiritual gifts. The Church should unite around the truth of Jesus.
As mentioned above, the gospel lesson John 1:29-42 reports on events following Jesus’ baptism, identifying Him as the Son of God, and Lamb that takes away the sin of the world. People are drawn in to hear more of what this means for their life. And in response to Jesus’ message of peace, they invite others to come and hear also. And by the power of the gospel and the enlightening and gathering work of the Holy Spirit, the Church grows.
COLLECT: Almighty and everlasting God, Who governs all things in heaven and on earth, mercifully hear the prayers of Your people and grant us Your peace through all our days; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord and Savior, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
You are encouraged to attend worship so you can receive more of God’s gifts. If you cannot attend, you can watch th eservice on Facebook Live beginning at 10:30. You are also invited to Bible study at 9 am. Let me know if you have any prayer requests or questions about Sunday’s readings. The Lord be with you. Pastor Boster