May 5

Brothers and sisters, greetings in the name of our risen Savior Jesus. Weathermen are forecasting that the rain will soon moveout. There will be a number of activities that people will want to catch up on. Some will celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Members of our congregation will be weary from serving at this year’s German Sausage Dinner on Saturday. Please don’t let the busy-ness of the world overwhelm you. I encourage you to set aside time to come Sunday morning and hear God’s Word and receive His gifts of forgiveness earned for us by His Son.

I also want to alert you to a worship opportunity as we celebrate the festival of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus a day early on Wednesday, May 8th at 6pm.

Note that on Sunday May 5 we will make a switch to following the liturgy of Divine Service Setting Three beginning on page 184 of the LSB hymnal. Hymns chosen for the day are #912 Christ is our Cornerstone; #544 O Love, How Deep; #542 When I Behold Jesus Christ; and #706 Love in Christ is Strong and Living.

Scripture readings assigned for the day are Psalm 98:1-8; Acts 10:34-48; 1 John 5:1-8; and John 15:9-17.

Much like Psalm 150 which we read last week, the words of Psalm 98 encourage creation, human voices, musical instruments, and everything that makes noise to join in praising God. Motivated by His steadfast love, God has done marvelous things, including bringing us salvation and judging us in righteousness. This He has accomplished by sending His Son Jesus to be our substitute, dying in our place, redeeming us from sin and its penalties.

The reading from Acts 10 gives evidence to the transforming power of the gospel. St. Peter had been sent to the household of a Gentile named Cornelius. Peter preached good news of peace through Jesus Christ, including instruction about Jesus’ ministry, His death, and His resurrection. This is truth that the Old Testament events and writers pointed to. While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell on those who were listening. Peter was amazed as he realized that the gospel of Jesus was also intended for Gentiles. He quickly urged them all to be baptized. We who would be considered Gentiles, have much to thank God for, especially that He would include us in His salvation plans. The gospel is the essence and the motivation to speak to others about Jesus in our day.

In 1 John Chapter 5, the apostle repeats themes of trusting Jesus and loving one another. The Holy Spirit testifies with water and blood, that is, with baptism and crucifixion, that Jesus the Son of God is our savior from sin, the devil. and eternal death. There is also mention of overcoming the world. Those who believe in Jesus will overcome the world. This is not an excuse for triumphalism, arrogance, or taking it easy because of Jesus’ success. John’s words instead urge us to be bold and confident as Jesus’ witnesses in the world. What can truly harm us if we are on our Savior’s side?

The gospel reading from John 15 is part of the instructive conversation Jesus had with His disciples on the night of the first Lord’s Supper, before He was betrayed and arrested. We read last week how Jesus identified Himself as a life-giving Vine. Those who are connected to Him as branches will bear much fruit. Remember, Jesus chose you despite any weakness or sin you might have. He has appointed you to add to His Church by loving one another, serving one another, and sharing the news of the gospel. As we sere Jesus by serving our neighbor, His love and joy is made complete.

COLLECT: Gracious God, the giver of all that is good, by Your holy inspiration grant that we may think those things that are right, and by Your merciful guiding accomplish them; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord and Savior, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Please let me know if you have any prayer requests or questions about the Scripture readings. The Lord be with you. Pastor Boster