October 6 service and other news

Brothers and sisters, greetings to you in the name of our Savior, Jesus. By His death and resurrection you have been reconciled to God, and heaven has been opened to you. God truly loves you. He has made a commitment to you.  I encourage you to be in bible study and worship on Sunday to hear more about what God has done for you through Jesus the Christ. 

If you don’t have plans for lunch Saturday October 12th, check out the spaghetti fundraiser put on by the Brookshire area Lions’ Club to be held at the Pattison Fire station from 12 noon-3 pm.

We have designated October 13 as a day to especially recognize God’s work done through the ladies’ auxiliary Lutheran Women Missionary Group (LWML).

Sunday, October 6 we will be following the liturgy of Divine Service Setting One beginning on page 151 in the LSB hymnal. As part of our ongoing catechetical study, we will also recite commandments 4 through 6 with Luther’s explanation for each of them

Hymns chosen for the day are #553 O Christ, Our hope, Our Hearts Desire; #562 All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall; #598 Once in the Blest Baptismal Waters; and #860 Gracious Savior, Grant Your Blessing (stanzas 2 and 5).

Scripture texts assigned to the day are Psalm 128:1-6; Genesis 2:18-25; Hebrews 2:1-13; and Mark 10:2-26.

The introduction to Psalm 126 indicates it is a song of ascents, a song that pilgrims would sing climbing the hills toward Jerusalem, or the steps leading up to the temple to worship. The words of the psalm recount a time of restoration, perhaps remembering an earlier generation’s return from exile in Babylon. Memories of very sad and difficult times are replaced by celebration, joy, and laughter. The worshipping pilgrims recognize that it is God who caused the rescue. This same rescuing God promises to save the souls of all those who worship Him. Worship is a time for you to receive, to hear God’s promises again, to be reminded that God keeps each of His promises. He brings us through sadness to times of joy. In the midst of troubles all around us, we too cry out that God would restore us. Ultimately, God will bring you through death to the celebration of heaven. This is the sort of joy people dream about. But it is not fantasy. God has accomplished this very thing for you through His Son Jesus.  He has said it, and He will do it.

The Old Testament lesson from Genesis 2 directs our thoughts to the days of creation. God took a rib from the Man, Adam, and fashioned for him a companion, helper, and friend, the first woman, Eve. God united them to become one flesh, establishing the institution of marriage and the basic building block of family and society. Before the Fall into sin this was a perfect union; they served with mutual respect and love.  As God has revealed, the Fall into sin ruined this relationship of unity. Husband and wife do not honor, love, or serve each other as they ought to. Marriage that is supposed to be between a man and a woman has been redefined and distorted. Men and women participate in sexual acts without keeping the vows and commitments of marriage. Everyday there are marriages that end up in divorce. These are the responses of sinful hearts. We have much to confess to God. In various ways we have abused God’s gifts of marriage and sexuality. Repent, turn to Jesus in faith, and take heart. He has died to forgive every sin, even sins against marriage. Jesus has kept His commitment to us, even though we so often fail in commitment to Him.

We are not sure of the identity of the human writer of the epistle to the Hebrews. The writer of the epistle makes a series of comparisons between Jesus and objects connected to Old Testament ritual. In each case Jesus is far superior. It can bs shown that Jesus is the fulfillment of what the Old Testament object merely foreshadowed. Sunday’s lesson from Hebrews 2:1-13 compares Jesus to angels. Angels are created beings. Jesus is uncreated, and actually the angels’ Creator. Angels are powerful spirit beings. But they are subject to Jesus’s reign. Jesus is in control of all things. Even so, for a little while He lowered Himself, becoming a man and a servant to all men, women, and children, giving Himself up as a bloody, dying, sacrifice on the cross to atone for our sin. The almighty Son of God now calls you His brother (and sister) and will share His heavenly inheritance with you. Angels cannot save you. There is no need to worship them. But Jesus has saved you, and through baptism makes you a member of His family. There are many reasons to worship Him. Pay attention to Jesus so you don’t drift away on the path to eternal destruction.

In the gospel lesson, Jesus is confronted by Pharisees who mean to test Him. Jesus is ministering in the region of Perea overseen by Tetrarch Herod Antipas. You may remember that it was this member of the Herod royal family who ordered John the Baptist to be put to death for criticizing the ruler’s adulterous marriage to his brother’s wife. The Pharisees’ test asks about marriage and divorce, perhaps to see if Jesus would also get in trouble for criticizing Herod.

Jesus gives instruction about marriage and divorce. He doesn’t rely on secular advice or common practice. Instead, He goes to the beginning, referencing the institution of marriage in the creation and unity of Adam and Eve. Marriage becomes an object lesson for the sort of greater love and commitment Jesus has demonstrated to us, His Church. Underlying Jesus’ instruction is the warning against hardness of heart which challenges God’s will, and is continually looking for loopholes, exceptions, and ways to avoid love and commitment. In contrast to hardness of heart, Jesus welcomes young children—not because they have any sort of innocence, but because they represent weakness and need and dependence on others. Rather than demanding God do what we want, the way we want it done, we ought to be thankful for God’s gifts including marriage and our spouse and family.

COLLECT: Merciful Father, Your patience and loving-kindness toward us have no end. Grant that by Your Holy Spirit we may always think and do those things that are pleasing in Your sight; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord and Savior, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Please contact me if you have prayer requests, questions about Sunday’s lessons, guilt over divorce, or troubles in your marriage. God bless you. Pastor Boster