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By SallyNovember 19, 2022Posted inWorship
Brothers and sisters, greetings in the name of our risen, ascended, and returning Savior, Jesus. First, I want you to be aware of some upcoming events. I encourage you to…
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By SallyNovember 12, 2022Posted inWorship
Brothers and sisters, Greetings in the name of Jesus. I’ll begin by reminding you of upcoming events. Please adjust your schedules. Presentation of Medicare updates, Sunday afternoon November 13th from…
In the gospel lesson for this coming Sunday October 3, Jesus tells a parable about two men, one a Pharisee (who would have been a prominent religious leader) and the…
The scripture lessons for Sunday October 9, (the 18th Sunday after Pentecost and Proper 23C) are Psalm 111:1-10; : Ruth 1:1-19; 1 Timothy 2:1-13; and Luke 17:11-19. These texts include…